Well the obvious place to go would be the Post Office - but have you ever though that this is not the only place to purchase them from?
Depending on exactly what you need you may be able to buy your postage stamps online. A quick search on www.google.com shows there are over 3 million sites for the search term buy postage stamps so looking closely at some of these sites will show you the procedure on buying stamps online.
One site I found - www.2-clicks-stamps.com allows you to search for postage stamps online dealers.
Instead of going to the post office - have a look for the blue-and-red U.S. Postal Service logo at grocery stores, drugstores and mini-marts. Also look for stores that specialize in mail and shipping services. Swing by the ATM machine and buy stamps while you make deposits or withdrawals. You can even go to USPS to simply have stamps mailed to your home.
If you want cheaper stamps - You can even get stamps for below the face value! Buy them in a greater quantity from a dealer. They have so many they actually reduce the price below what the stamps originally were worth (sometimes), especially if you have $25 or more to spend all at once on a whole bunch.
Research carefully to find both new and uses postage stamps as well as special and hard to get stamps. When searching ebay, mix up your search terms such as postage stamps, stamp collections, first day of issue stamps and so on. This will give you a wide range of stamps to choose from.You could even begin your own little business by trading and buying and selling postage stamps.
So good luck and happy buying of postage stamps.